
Real Machine Resources

Connect to real quantum computers of various scales and technologies, including NMR and superconducting, to meet diverse quantum computing task requirements.

High-Performance Quantum Simulator

Offers a 24-qubit full-amplitude quantum simulator for real-time instance creation and immediate execution without waiting.

Convenient Quantum Circuit Design

Supports graphical interface circuit design and Open QASM editing, with synchronization between the graphical interface and code.

Online Advanced Programming

Users can program and debug quantum tasks online using Python with Jupyter Notebook, enabling multi-user collaboration.

Clear Task Management

Tasks are finely divided to display status, execution platform, source data, and easy import/export of code.

Algorithmic Application of Real Cases

Provides visual, configurable quantum computing application cases that display algorithm details based on real-world problems.


Scalable Quantum Computing

Supports machine management of quantum computers of different sizes for different technological routes, queuing, and scheduling multi-user tasks to available machines.

Custom Quantum Gate Operations

Supports arbitrary single and two-qubit gate operation, including custom gate creation for complex circuit design.

Multi-User Collaboration and File Management

Allows group file creation and simultaneous editing by multiple users within the same group.

Graphical Experiment Result Display

Graphically displays experiment runs and results, with large-qubit experiment results sortable by probability, searchable, and supporting fuzzy query.

Local Task Submission

Users can submit quantum computing tasks from their local computers to the cloud platform using SPINQit.

Rich Quantum Algorithm Examples

Includes numerous typical quantum algorithm demonstrations, such as Grover's algorithm and quantum neural networks, within different modules.

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