Quantum Computers: Cryogenic Environment Deployment Service

2025.02.12 · Blog


Why Do You Need Cryogenic Environment Deployment Services for Superconducting Quantum Computers?

Cryogenic environment deployment services are essential for superconducting quantum computers because they require ultra-low temperatures (~10 mK) to maintain the stability and coherence of superconducting qubits.

A proper cryogenic environment ensures optimal performance, reliability, and longevity of the quantum computer, making these services crucial for both research institutions and businesses working with advanced quantum technologies.


SpinQ offers comprehensive cryogenic environment deployment services  and quantum computing solutions, including consultation on the selection, supply, maintenance, the upgrade of dilution refrigerators and other necessary components.

SpinQ aims to ensure a stable and high-performance quantum experimental environment for our users.




What Do SpinQ's Cryogenic Environment Deployment Services Cover?


1. Dilution Refrigerator

Provides a milli-Kelvin environment of (~10) mK.

Equipped with high-performance, low-vibration pulse tube cryocoolers.

Supporting fully automated operations, including automatic temperature ramping.

Meeting low-temperature requirements for fields such as superconducting quantum computing, electron paramagnetic resonance, and condensed matter physics.

2. Cryogenic Components and Devices

We provide guidance on the selection and supply of various cryogenic RF devices for quantum computing, including:

Cryogenic HEMT amplifiers

Cryogenic RF coax cables

Cryogenic superconducting coax cables

Cryogenic RF connectors

Customized cryogenic magnetic shielding solutions

Customized cryogenic thermal mounting solutions


3. Superconducting Quantum Computing Lab Assessment / Cryogenic Device Installation

To ensure our clients have stable and reliable experimental environments, we offer professional services that include power distribution schemes, site and space layout design, grounding schemes, equipment vibration reduction solutions, lab renovation guidance, and on-site installation and relocation of dilution refrigerators.

These services are tailored to meet the specific conditions of each customer's site.


4. Supporting Equipment for Cryogenic System

We provide a range of supporting equipment for dilution refrigerators, including water chillers, vacuum pumps, and other accessory auxiliary devices.

Additionally, we offer high-quality maintenance and repair services. SpinQ aims to deliver a comprehensive solution that meets the experimental needs of superconducting quantum computing customers.



Key Drivers Behind the Growing Demand for On-Premise Quantum Computer Deployment Service

The increasing demand for on-premise quantum computers is driven by two main use cases: quantum hardware research and education, and application development and potential production.

The first is primarily used by academic and research institutions. The second is mostly deployed in High-Performance Computing (HPC) centers for large-scale applications.

Several factors contribute to this growing demand:

1. Information security: Organizations dealing with sensitive data prefer on-premise deployments to maintain control over data access and protect intellectual property.

2. Large workloads: For organizations with significant computational needs, on-premise quantum computers provide dedicated resources that ensure optimal performance without the competition for cloud-based resources.

3. Access reliability: On-premise deployments offer immediate, uninterrupted access to quantum computing, enabling faster quantum research and development without delays associated with shared resources.