Quantum Quasi-Unicorn Enterprises! SpinQ Technology Gain Recognition for Growth Value

2024.08.27 · Press Release

Recently, ICV, a leading global  technology consulting firm, unveiled the "2024 Global Overview of Quantum Unicorn Enterprises" report. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the current trends and future trajectories within the quantum technology sector, identifying 9 quantum unicorn enterprises and 30 quasi-unicorn enterprises from around the world.


SpinQ Technology , a forefront quantum computing innovation company in China, has been designated as one of the quasi-unicorn enterprises, aligning with the report's criteria for growth and enterprise value.


Distribution of Quantum Unicorn Enterprises/Quasi-Unicorn Enterprises


"Golden Picks" from Investors:

Over 90% of (Quasi-)Unicorn Enterprises Concentrate on Quantum Computing


The report zeroes in on the present state and prospective trends of global quantum unicorn and quasi-unicorn enterprises. It examines a spectrum of factors, including the geographical distribution of these companies, their specific industry sectors, growth trajectories, funding valuations, potential for future public listings, and the evolution of benchmark businesses. The report paints a comprehensive picture of high-growth, high-value unlisted quantum startups in the global industry, offering valuable insights for investors, entrepreneurs, and policy makers.


The report defines "Quantum Quasi-Unicorn Enterprises" as follows: (1) Enterprises that have received private equity investment from professional investment institutions and have not yet been listed; (2) Enterprises with a post-funding valuation of more than (including) 100 million USD in the most recent financing round and that have been established for no more than five years. (3) Enterprises with a post-funding valuation of more than (including) 500 million USD in their most recent financing round and that were established between five and ten years ago.


The report considers these enterprises as the "golden picks" by investors. By examining these quantum unicorn and quasi-unicorn enterprises, one may discover the frontier of quantum innovation and the future of the industry.


Among them, the 30 quasi-unicorn enterprises that meet the criteria  are predominantly located in Europe, representing for 60% of the total count, with the UK boasting  the highest valuation of 1.678 billion USD, followed by France and the United States. China's valuation accounts for approximately  10% of the global total, ranking fourth.


Global Ranking of Quantum Quasi-Unicorn Enterprises by Quantity  and Share of Total Valuation


Average Valuation of Quantum Quasi-Unicorn Enterprises per Country (Unit: Billion USD)


In terms of sectors , the field of quantum computing claims over 90%, with a combined valuation of 7.145 billion USD, representing  for 90% of the overall valuation, while quantum communication and security sectors hold relatively smaller valuations.


Overview of the Development of Quantum Unicorn Enterprises in Each Field


Among the 30 quasi-unicorn enterprises, 66.7% of the enterprises are in the A round or earlier seed round financing stages, indicating that the majority of these companies are in their nascent stages, with limited capital attraction. Approximately 25% of the companies in the quantum computing hardware and software sectors have reached the B round of financing, while those in the quantum communication sector are largely still in the A round of financing.


Global Financing Round Situation of Quantum Quasi-Unicorn Enterprises



Reference: Quantum China, ICV Report(https://www.icvtank.com/newsinfo/948718.html)